Ratatype groups are a great opportunity to learn touch typing with friends, in a fun and interesting way.

Friends group
You can create a group to compete for the highest typing speed, the most completed lessons with your friends, or to compare whose hero is cooler. Create a group, invite friends, and you will be able to arrange a typing race with them :)

Tools for teachers
If you are a teacher, create a group for your students. You'll get convenient tracking of class progress. And kids will enjoy a typing speed competition. Find out more about Ratatype groups for teachers.

Corporate group
The groups will also come in handy for the CEO or the HR manager. Create a corporate group for your company. Find out the typing speed of employees. Set a prize and run a competition. The typing speed increase will help improve employee productivity. And after the course on Ratatype, everyone will definitely start typing faster ;)
How to create group
- Go to the group creation page.
- Give a name to your new group.
- Choose group privacy settings.
- Decide who can join the group and see its members.
- Solve whether you need your results in the group list or not.
- Consider whether group members should see each other's results.
- Save the group and ask your friends to join it!
How to invite friends to a group
- Copy the link to the group — it's at the bottom of the group page.
- Send the link to your friends and ask them to join the group.
If someone shouldn't be in your group, you can always remove them. And you can also set any of the members as an administrator, then they will be able to edit the group just like you.
Ready to learn touch typing together with your friends?
There's nothing else like Ratatype groups. It is easy to use and also absolutely free.
Create my group